Operation point and method for improving the quality of report form preliminary calculation 提高报表初算质量的操作要点和方法
And the actual production capacity that might reach according to the test running condition has been carried on preliminary calculation and discussion. 并根据试生产情况,对可能达到的实际生产能力进行了初步的计算和探讨。
At last the result of normal force coefficient calculated by additional apparent area is compared with the wind tunnel experimental data, and the calculated error of normal force coefficient are less than 10%. The method calculating additional apparent area is suitable for engineering preliminary calculation. 并通过利用附加表面积计算的弹体法向力系数与试验值进行比较,法向力系数计算误差在10%以内,说明用本方法计算的附加表面积可以在工程初步估算时应用。
Topographic-isostatic deflection can not only be transformed to the astro-geodetic but al-so directly used as preliminary calculation for general control survey in mountainous districts. 地形均衡垂线偏差既可用于线性内插转化为天文大地垂线偏差,又可用于直接对山区一般控制测量的结果进行归算,因此讨论它的计算方法是有重要意义的。
Preliminary calculation and analysis of energy efficiency ratio in HVAC system design 对建筑空调系统设计能效比的初步计算分析
A Preliminary Study on Calculation Method for Water and Land Surface Evaporative Capacity in Yunnan Province 云南省水、陆面蒸发量计算方法的初步研究
In this paper, using two-dimensional elastic-plastic hydrodynamic Lagrange finite element method code EPIC-2 which we have been developing. Those techniques of group, rigid slide line, hourglass resistence are tried for preliminary calculation of high velocity projectile with rounded shape on the RHA plate. 本文利用我们发展的二维流体弹塑性Lagrange有限元程序EPIC-2,尝试了群组单元分区技术、刚滑移线技术及沙漏控制技术,对高速圆头弹对均质装甲板撞击问题进行了初步计算。
A Preliminary Calculation and Analysis of the Cooling Capacity of the Air Conditioning Unit for the Rolling Stock of Shanghai Urban Rail "Pearl" Line 上海轨道交通明珠线车辆空调制冷量的初步计算和分析
The importance of a preliminary calculation of the performance of a turbo-charged engine can not be neglected. 近年来,增压发动机的变工况性能问题日益得到重视。
Preliminary study on calculation method of drainage inside roadbed based on seepage models 基于渗流模型的路基排水设计计算方法初探
The UV-Vis spectrum investigation was made on a series of the low valence dinuclear complexes, especially for λ> 300nm, it is for d-d electron transition character. At the same time, the preliminary quantum-chemical calculation was performed on the individual complex. 对一系列低价态双核原子簇化合物的UV-Vis光谱进行了定性研究,尤其是λ>300nm处,发现过渡金属的d-d电子跃迁行为,并对个别化合物进行初步量子化学处理。
In the poper the author also made a discussion on some oreforming regular patterns of gold ores, presented a regional metallogenic model of gold ores, and made a preliminary calculation and estimation of the potential resources and ore-hunting prospective area of gold ores in the surveyed area. 同时,阐述了由控矿因素所制约的若干成矿规律,进而提出该地区金的区域成矿模式,并对金的潜在资源和找矿远景进行了初步预测和评价。
The paper introduced the manufacture technology and quality standard of the coffee wine, and the economic results of producing the coffee wine has carried on the preliminary calculation 介绍了咖啡酒的生产工艺及质量标准,并对生产咖啡酒的经济效益进行了初步预测
Preliminary Calculation of Refrigerating Output and Ventilation Volume for Air-conditioning of Shenzhen Metro Car 深圳地铁车辆空调通风量和制冷量的初步计算
According to the preliminary calculation the critical section size of the concasting billet for well maintenance of normal operation and fulfilment of the necessary technical and economical indicators of production is presumably to be 110 × 110mm. 初步推推断出维持正常生产技术经济指标的连铸小方坯临界断面尺寸为110×110mm。
Based on the preliminary calculation, the cost of the cement is only 80% of the ordinary cement. 经初步核算,氯氧镁水泥成本只相当于普通水泥成本的80%。
A preliminary calculation indicated that oxygen-enriched air blast will save investment and energy, in comparison with building new furnaces. 初步计算表明,采用富氧鼓风比新建高炉节约投资和能源。
Preliminary Calculation of Lower Water Discharge in Xinjiang 新疆枯水流量的初步计算
Preliminary calculation of inclined motion for ring-type suction valves 环状吸气阀倾侧运动的初步计算
Preliminary calculation of relative bioavailability indicated that Frel was about 80% compared with the FM tablets. 相对生物利用度的初步估算结果表明:与口服普通片剂相比,相对生物利用度约为80%。
Technique of Cotton Stalks Returned to Field and Preliminary Calculation of Stalk Nutrient Quantity in Xinjiang 新疆棉区秸秆还田技术和养分需要量的初步估算
The formation of energy chain and its preliminary calculation for energy-based products were mainly studied. 重点对以能量流为主的产品的能量链的生成及其计算为例进行研究。
Through the preliminary calculation, this paper reaches conclusion that rainfall runoff carries much sand which will affect the use of new rainwater drainage. 通过初步计算得出降雨径流能携带大量泥沙,将影响新型雨水排水的使用。
Basic physical models of broad area high power semiconductor lasers have been created, and theory analysis and preliminary calculation have been processed. 建立了大功率宽条形半导体激光器基本物理模型,进行了相应理论分析和初步计算。
Preliminary calculation of the frame structure designed to provide a new approach. 为框剪结构设计的初步计算提供了一种新的方法。
Also a preliminary calculation of the main parameters are given, and the model parameters were selected. 最后给出了主电路参数的初步计算方法,并选择各参数数值。
The paper used the method of numerical simulation, firstly, collecting and sorting some data, then select the 'structural and calculation parameters through preliminary calculation and research. 本文主要运用数值模拟的方法,首先对实际工程中的一些数据进行收集和整理,然后通过初步的计算和研究选取结构参数和计算参数。
The function of automatic formation of a complete system model and to accomplish preliminary calculation in growing conceptual design phase were put forward and realized. 提出并实现了在生长型概念结构设计阶段自动形成一个完整的系统模型并完成初步计算的功能。
The bid price includes market research, preparation of quotation, preliminary calculation, prior evaluation and final decision-making. 投标报价包括前期市场调研、报价准备工作、标价初计算、标价前评估与标价最终决策。